

2 minute read

Time to revive this blog. I let it linger in limbo for too long. Running on a WordPress instance I set up 9 years ago (but I kept it up2date, vigorously). I looked at it with a growing need to do SOMETHING. Write new entries, close it down, move it somewhere else.

Which I did over the past few days. I am a paying Github user, so I dived a bit deeper into github pages, Jekyll, building a workflow. Looking through a lot of guides, trying around a bit. Now I finally made the jump. All my old entries are still here, the old Permalinks should still work. But I lost all comments in the migration, which I knew would happen. Integrating comments in a static site is a problem. It will be no comments for the foreseeable future. Feel free to comment/discuss on Twitter, LinkedInand G+, I’ve added buttons to every post to do just that. I am using the most wonderful Minimal Mistakes theme and I am only starting to explore its possibilites. Have a look and make sure you show your appreciation to its author at his donation page just as I did today.

My new workflow - Mobile first, the geeky way!

TL;DR Editorial on iOS, Working Copy on iOS, git push to github, Jekyll via Github Pages, published on this blog. Mostly based on this guide by Kirby Turner. This allows me to catch any thoughts and jot them down in Editorial, finishing them up as I find time and publish it all with one single press of a button. Neat! Extra bonus: my custom domain has automatically been given a Let’s Encrypt certificate by github, so everything is securely transported to you, my dear reader!

I’m still struggling to find a good way to automatically insert/rescale/upload pictures, but first I need to learn more basics and maybe make it all look a bit more attractive. this is my new, old home and I will try to give you beautiful content on a regular basis. With that, time for a decent beer to celebrate.

On this warm and sunny Sunday, in a Bavarian beergarden … 1

  1. Lindengarten, to be precise :)